The last part of getting to know flame resistant clothing:FLASH FIRE TERMS
TPP – Thermal Protective Performance of a fabric; the amount of heat it takes to pass through the fabric and cause a second-degree burn; CGSB 155.20 requires a fabric have a minimum of 6 cal/cm² when tested with a spacer
Manikin Test/Body Burn – A simulated flash fire test using an instrumented manikin to calculate the estimated percentage of second and third degree body burns after three seconds of exposure; NFPA 2112 requires the percentage to be below 50 percent
HTP – Heat Transfer Performance of a fabric; the amount of heat it takes to pass through a fabric to cause second-degree burns based on the skin burn curve; NFPA 2112 requires a fabric to have a minimum of 6 cal/cm² when tested with a spacer and 3 cal/cm² in contact